
The Modernist Magazines Research Seminar aims was a forum for discussion between postgraduate and early career researchers in the field of modernist studies which ran for two years between 2013/14 and 2014/15 at the Institute for English Studies. This website is retained for informational purposes only.

Meeting at Senate House, seminar sessions were led by a guest speaker specialist to the field and focus on a selected publication or theme. A diverse range of modernist movements and publications were discussed, with the group reading canonical and forgotten writers in the original material historical context(s) of publication.



Organised by Charlie Dawkins (Oxford), Chris Mourant (King’s College London), Natasha Periyan (Royal Holloway) and Aimee Gasston (Birkbeck).

Affiliated with the Modernist Magazines Project. Supported by Birkbeck, Royal Holloway, King’s College London, and Nottingham Trent University in conjunction with the Institute of English Studies.